Bent Productions

(TV and Digital Motion Picture)

return to main menu Mothballed in 2004, Restarting, Spring 2009!....

Bent Productions was created in 2004 for the production of the TV show (Dirty Dingo's Squatting Porpoise Society - IE DDSPS), A 30 minute spot of Comedy.

The reopening of the productions will start here in the spring of 2009.

Productions to start:

__(Christian Video) Various Christian productions...

__(Demon Hunters) Spoof of the stupid Ghost Hunter TV series....

__(DDSPS) Comedy TV show...

This is a volenteer operation to start. Openings for all positions. Everyone will take positions as needed. Technical operations and Actor positions are all needed. We will be a small operation to shoot quick and to get things completed quickly.

If you are interested in positions within Bent Productions send email to

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